Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New seedlings November

- all year round lettuce
- sunflowers
- cayenne
- eggplant black beauty
- radicchio
- corn
- zucchini tondo di piacenza
- cos lettuce romaine
- capsicum California wonder
- capsicum seven colour mix

These were all planted on the 12th of November... Sorry. Seeded in trays.
I'm expecting to extract them around the start of December.
Photos pending.
Today was all about weeding, taking the tomato and nettle plants away from the beans.
There are come pepo and curcurbits sitting in a seedling tray that im going to plant out in a few days.
I'll be super excited if they turn out to be rock melon or water melon.
We've got so much food coming at the moment. I'm going to plant out the rest of the space soon. 85 tomato plants. Shit! Someones making their own sauce this year.
We've migrated into the orchard. I'm going to brick off a few beds here and there and when it comes to the chicken coop, well work a twisted path around what I create in the next few months. I will get new crooks around autumn.
Potatoes are going famously.
All trees have got pathogens, apple scar, peach leaf curl.
I planted 15 artichokes. All will die I think. They look like pathetic and chlorotic weedy afterthoughts sticking out of an already busy topsoil.

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